Hi all,

Looking through some of the fabulous photos on here and on various websites. I think I have come to the conclusion a model to show of the head piece is best?

At my early stage in y millinery journey I am currently using a polystyrene swan neck, and it looks ok, for now. But depending on costs I think I'm going to use a model. My friend has two lovely daughters who are happy to oblige, (one dark brown hair the other blonde.) I have a  decent SLR camera so will give it a go.

Just wondered any other thoughts on this view? Do you think it looks more 'professional' on model or mannequin? And of course it takes more time with a model? Sorry loads of question ;-)

Kind regards


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What pluck!  

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”  Goethe


Thank you for that Cindy!!!  I've learned that "thoughts become things"!!  That's the magic law of the Universe!!  So we must use it wisely!! Careful what we wish for!!

This beautiful shot of Irene is an excellent photo of the best way to show assets of a hat.  The view from above is perfect.

I have abouta 200 mannequin heads in my studio...and often I can not find a particular head because she has a different hat on....and I do not recognize her.  So do not worry about using the same head as another milliner.  Your touch and design will seperate your design from other milliners.  That is the whole thing about wearing a hat...it can change your identity.  Look see www.crunkleton.com   please and thank  you.

The calendar is a great idea!




Thanks 'Fancy Rose'....that certainly helps answer the great debate!

I especially like the quotation "women don't buy hats to look like every day women, they buy a dream" 

Glad it helped, Women do buy a dream. 

I agree... models are the way to go. My daughter was doing photography through uni and jihadists some friends who were keen to model so I have been lucky.... Just getting her to make time can sometimes be difficult. For those who can not afford a photographer I suggest you contact your local high school or uni to see if there are any students who may pbe interested in getting some experience.... It helps them with a portfolio as well!

Yes sometimes it is down the time factor element? But good idea re: the local school/uni!

Models are great, yes if you can afford them and organise time for photographers, hair, make-up, models etc (altho I am lucky I come from a family of professional photographers, I am a hairdresser and do make-up) but everyone can't always be ready when you want to take photo's at 11pm, or have a spare 5 minutes. I do prefer to photograph on models.

Thank you Cindy!!  Well, she won 3rd place, so I think she'll handle it with a dash of grace and humility!!  The only thing that goes to her head are my hats!! ....but we'll never really know!!

I think mannequins and live models both work well.  Mannequin heads have been selling hats for decades so do not count them out.  It is also easier to change their hair color and length at a moments notice. :)  And, they are always available and for a more than reasonable price.  They are also easy to get along with and very quiet. 

Yes, in a perfect hat world, I would probably have professional models and photographers but then I would have to raise my prices which I do not want to do.  And, to be perfectly honest, I wouldn't want to buy something that has been on someone else's head possibly for hours.


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