I'd love to know: (1) if you've done a millinery internship, who was it with and what did you achieve/ learn whilst you were there and (2) if you could choose to do an internship with any milliner worldwide, which milliner would it be?

Tags: internship, milliner, millinery, morgan, vivienne

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I'm interested in how internships are arranged in other countries?   (I'm assuming it's an unpaid role and quite different to that of a volunteer)

Here in Australia, internships and work experience must be a formal arrangement between a student (the intern),  their training organisation (which can be college/university or registered provider) and the employer.  If it's not arranged this way, it's considered unpaid employment - which is illegal. 

Is this the same elsewhere??

I really want to know the answer to this too! I'm going to apply for a grant that would allow me time to apprentice/learn in London. I have no idea how to go about finding out how to do this. 

Does any one know what is happening with Millinery courses in Australia??? Tafe will not commit to when Cert 4 in Sydney / Newcastle areas will be run and I have hear rumours it will not be run again.  Are master classes with private milliners the only option???  

I'd like to intern with Wayne Wichern in California. He is brilliantly creative and infinitely patient! I had a class with him at Penland in North Carolina and was impressed with his knowledge.

I wouldn't know where to start! There is so much knowledge and experience to be garnered, it is almost overwhelming.  On the other hand, being self-taught, most well-known milliners might just shake their heads at my request. I can self-teach just about anything, but that doesn't mean, they would agree with my techniques.  When I first began, I read all the 1920's training manuals that I could get my hands on.  Now I look at the knowledge and experience I have gained not just from millinery, but all forms of arts that I have learned during my life, and keep what works, discard what doesn't and develop my own methods and techniques. I may be beyond hope in their eyes. LOL I am sure they are more interested in finding young talent that they can mold.


Greer, I have no knowledge of how millinery internships are arranged here, but most internships in other fields are set up through learning institutions like colleges and universities, where the individual either works for free in exchange for credits, or is paid a small wage/stipend.  We have paid and unpaid internships.

me too Bridget

I can make just about anything (not just from textiles) if you give me a photo and the right tools but the quilt/sewing/millinery/fibre/building/fondant police would lock me up immediately if they watched me work :)

I started my 'millinery career' in London  by interning for various people e.g. Karen Henricksen, Yasmin Rizvi, Edwina Ibbotson and JSmith Esquire. Particularly when one has only attended a few millinery courses, I think its crucial to work under real work room conditions and to also understand the pressure of running your own projects. I still find it very enriching to work with as many people as possible, as everybody does things their own way and its great to be exposed to all those skills, which you then can turn into your own ways. In London, from my experience, its quite an informal thing to organize an internship. I mostly rang up places or emailed my CV. The bigger and more famous a place is, the more you will have to pursue and pester them. Intern periods may vary, some take people full-time, some part-time. Smaller places don t worry as much about only accepting students but I think reasonable skills and devotion should be apparent. Particularly the small workrooms have no time to loose. I have never been paid for any internships, if you are lucky, you might be given travel cards but some of my internships led to future professional relationships. I also still attended millinery master classes with Couture milliner Marie O'Regan appointed by HRH Elisabeth II while interning and was therefore able to build a portfolio which secured my first employed position. Philip Treacy and Stephen Jones are more likely to accept students only to cover themselves with employment laws, however their fluctuation is very high and they are regularly on the look out. The trick with internships is that you will most possibly be given slightly dull and enduring work but while you do them with enthusiasm, you observe and learn from what everybody else is doing around you and may be able to forge priceless connections. On two occasions I was also able to take part in London Designer Bridal Show and Premiere Classe in Paris through my internships which gave me invaluable insight into the industry. I hope this might be useful....

I have done two internships, one in London with Philip Treacy and one in New York, with Ellen Christine Millinery. Both were during my education, but neither of them would have had to be. They were both unpaid. I am from Sweden, and did not need any kind of permit for any of the two internships.


In NY, I had the normal ESTA- travelling permit (where you can spend 90 days in the U.S). It is however illegal using ESTA to earn money, or look for a job, so it's important to make it clear to customs that you are there on an unpaid internship.


In London, you can basically be an intern forever without any special forms. A lot of the employees at Treacy had been interning for about six months before they got a job. This could however be easier for me, being from Europe.


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