I make/decorate hats for the Kentucky Derby. I recently found a bunch of fedoras on sale so I bought them thinking it would be quick and easy to change out the bands and make them to match the ladies hats I have made for the derby.
The first one I changed the band out on took me 3 hours before I finally got it right! Last night I tried for 5 hours to change a band on a different one and ended up giving!
Is there some secret or trick on how to get the band to lay flat? Since the fedoras go up at an angle I can get the ribbon tight around the base but can't get it to lay down flat at the top of the band where the hat gets skinnier!! When I get it right on one side of the hat it wrinkles on the other side! Please help! I'm beyond frustrated!!

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Use a ribbon stretcher???

What type of band Nicole? Grosgrain ribbon ?? With or without picot (scalloped edge) edge?

Ribbon, 1.5 inch, what I've had to do is tighten ribbon at the top and glue down and then use another ribbon on the lower part so that it's separate. This is the only way I can make it so both are tight around the head and laying down correctly.

You need to use grosgrain or ribbon that you can swirl.  It needs to be something that will stretch and curl, when you swirl with an iron.  That or use silk cut on the bias, and finish using the traditional millinery technic of hand stitching the seam, so that it will swirl.

Bridget Early is right.   You need millinery grosgrain, also called petersham in some parts of the world.  You can tell it's the correct kind if it has jagged edges.  They allow the ribbon to swirl with a steam iron.  Also, make good and sure the grosgrain is made of a natural fibre, not polyester!  I made that mistake once and regretted it immediately.  Polyester oes not swirl.  Let us know if you need instructions on swirling the ribbon.  "From the Neck Up" book tells you how.  Maybe elsewhere here or on the web, or on LinkedIn's Millinery group.  Great group there.


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