I was wondering if any of you can help with this.
I was asked to do replicas and/or restore the old black berets for a university. Is there anywhere I can still get a Chenille yarn/braid similar to the one in the pictures? It has a diameter of 0.7 cm and a thin wire in its core. (Sorry for the poor quality of the photos! They looked better than they turned out)
I know the one that's used for crafting nowadays but this old one was of a better quality and sold by the metre, I suppose. Also, the new ones come only in pieces of 30cm or so -since I would need it in one piece, I can't use them anyways. I was thinking of using a velvet braid or something like that as a substitute but am not really happy with the thought... I would use the Chenille braids sold for crafting if there is no other option but I don't know where to get them in rolls or per metre. I tried all the sewing shops over here in Austria, also on Etsy and Dawanda, and internet research in general. Nothing suitable. Any ideas?
I'm very thankful for any suggestions or help.

Tags: beret, black, chenille, fabric, help, question, restore, university berets, vintage
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