Hi everyone -

Just read a forum discussion here from a few years ago on the topic of hat rental and wonder if any HA members have offered (or currently offer) hats for hire as part of their business.

I've had interest in this from lots of women in my area and am considering a pilot program this spring/summer.

If anyone has attempted a rental program, did you find it worthwhile - or was it just a headache?

Would be very for any tips on pitfalls or best practices.

Thank you!

Tags: Rental, hire

Views: 2218

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Hi Tiffany,

I run a hat hire business along side my design work. I have @ 200 hats I hire out. I always get a contract signed & take a deposit. I also find that the majority of hirers take the best of care of my hats. As I head into my 4th year I have had 2 mishaps / situation. One was makeup & the other a hat dropped and @ 20 feathers broken oops! But in the grand scheme of things its been absolutely fine. 

For me it the hiring is the main stay of my business as firstly I have only been making hats for @ 2.5 years & I have 2 very small children so my time making hats is quite limited. 

If you would like any more info happy to answer,

Cheers, Sinead x

Hi Sinead

I hope it's ok to contact you as I just read your reply back to Tiffany. I am also looking into hiring Millinery pieces, as I have had alot of ladies asking in the area.

So you have found it worthwhile ??

Also did you have a special legal hire form made up ??

Sorry for the 101 questions, just not sure on what's involved.


Hi Tiffany

I tried a hire service here in the uk - make-up a big problem but most came back ok ish!  I also found that those wanting to hire then wanted you to adapt the headpiece to match their outfits, so before you knew it, a semi bespoke piece was created at a hire pirce!

 Suggest if you do go down the hire route, take photographs before they leave you, a deposit to cover the full value of the hat and a signed contract. 

Don't mean to sound negative but I only ever hire to close friends now.

Jayne x

Hi Jayne - thanks so much for responding about your experience. The things you mentioned are some of what makes me a little trepidatious. Can't believe people asked you to customize the hat! I think that's where I'd need to draw the line!

Would you also be willing to share an example of your contract?

Hi Tiffany

Happy to share with you.  Do you have an email address and I will send you a copy. Pm via FB if you don't want to share it on an open site.

Jayne x

Hi Tiffany, I am curiously reading along this topic as I too have often thought of hiring my head pieces - I am thinking more of fascinators that won't cover the face and attract makeup; every hat I have ever worn has ended up with makeup on them, and I can't trust a client to ensure that this doesn't happen.  My new trick is to apply some masking tape on the areas that touch the forehead.

I would be grateful to have a copy of your contract form too, if this is not asking too much.  My email address is: jandoh50@gmail.com.  Many thanks!


Hi Janet - apologies for the delayed reply. I just emailed you a copy of the rental contract I've been using. I had based it on what Jayne had generously shared with me.

Hope this helps!

P.S. To help with the makeup issue I sew a few inches of grosgrain on top of the sweatband in the forehead area. If it gets dirty it can just be replaced.

Thanks for your response, Tiffany.  I haven't as yet received the email with the copy of the rental contract.  I have checked and double-checked.  Do you mind resending, please?

What a clever idea about the grosgrain attachment to the makeup area - I will adopt this idea too - thanks for sharing.  Look forward to receiving the contract - thanks once again,


Hi Tiffany

I am have been reading through the comments and I hope you don't mind me contacting you. As I to am considering hiring pieces out, as I have quite a few ladies in my area asking also. I wonder and again only if it was ok with you, if you could possibly email me a copy of the contract, I would be ever so thankful and grateful.

Kind Regards 


Hi Jayne

I to have been reading the conversation, as I am considering also having a hire range. But am a little cautious also & not sure how the hire form should be done up.

If it wasn't to much much trouble, i would be ever so grateful if I to could get a copy of the contract form also.

Many many thanks


Hi Melissa

Unfortunately I no longer have the contract I used as I no longer hire.  I found it was quite time consuming for the £££ return.  ie. some ladies could spend an hour selecting the piece, then I had to be available for the return, (more time) not to mention the paperwork.  Once a piece had been hired I could no longer sell it as a 'new' piece and unless you were able to hire the same piece on multiple occasions then the figures don't stack up.  I find it more rewarding (and profitable) to make bespoke pieces.  Sorry if this is rather negative as I know many people have success with hiring - guess its just not for me. 

Kind regards



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