Does anyone have any tips for taking the spring out of wire before wiring a brim? Clearly my technique is somewhat lacking as one of my last boater hats the brim edge wasn't as straight as what I would have liked. 

Tags: millinery, wire

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Hi Jen, If you have Lesson 1 on brims I explain how I remove the spring in 19 gauge wire. If using spring wire it is meant to have the spring so it will naturally bounce around and I've a lovely swirl to brim that will be stable. Mentioned this to an engineer one day and he suggested placing in hot oven in circle and allow to cool but have not tried it. For 19 gauge brim wire I place the wire between my 2fingers and thumb and gradually work my way around wire then hold wire circle up in front of my eyes to see if it is buckling and then work on that spot. Never add to your straw or felt until it is sitting in that circle. Some milliners just progressively stroke the wire around the circle but always check your circle is not wafting to right or left as that will happen to brim of hat. Thanks for asking as it is an essential technique to master. E xx  

Thanks Elaine, I appreciate your response. I'm pretty sure I have Lesson 1 so I'll go back and revisit it. 


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