
Is anyone able to provide any hints, tips or photos of how headpieces blocked on saucer blocks are attached to the head? Would you use a headband, or block a smaller base and attach it to that? I'm thinking about buying a saucer block but figured I should probably know how to use it first!

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Silpa,

I would suggest a plain skull cap block to attach under a saucer. This would give a good platform to fix wire / headband/ combs to.You can also make a skull cap shape from a regular dome block if you have one. The aim is just to have something to mount on the head.

Some saucer blocks are quite shallow, others may have a deeper 'head bump' in them so you may find what looks good or works on one may not on another...and, i imagine that where you place them on a head may dictate how you mount them too...


That's great - thanks, Darryll. I was actually looking at your 8" and 12" saucer blocks and see that you do a skull cap block too.

Do you happen to have any photos I might be able to take a look at? 


Unfortunatly I have no pictures of the blocks as hats, always seems to be a challenge getting them. 

I would suggest however, a shout out for anyone who has used my saucer 1 @8'', the saucer 1 @12'' or the Lucia saucer as to whether they would share any images with you to demonstrate to concept...



Hi Silpa

There have been threads about this in the past, so if you search in Hat Linings and Labels on this site you will be sure to find the answer to your question. All the Best in your hatting adventures and I'd love to see your results.


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