Having seen a vintage cloche featuring a grosgrain nautilus cockade I want to make one. I can't find any instructions anywhere. A friend is sure she has seen some in a millinery book but can't remember which one.
Can anyone recommend a book that might help me? At the moment I am pleating up the grosgrain with a thread and then pinning it out onto a foam ball to get the right shape but I wondered if there are some tips out there to make it easier. I know it's probably just a variation of a plain round cockade but help would be appreciated.
Views: 19419
Sandra, Just joined the Hat Academy and think I can help you make a Nautilus cockade. See my photo below too. You will need about 2 metres of 1 inch wide petersham ribbon. On the photo the large pink ribbon shows how it is pleated diagonally.The pins mark the pleats. The spaces between the pins are 1 inch ( 2.5 cms) and 3/4 of an inch (2.0 cms). After stab stitching each pleat at the top edge catch the bottom edge pulling in slightly . Twirl the stitched pleated ribbon into a nautilus shape , stitching at the back to hold in place.
Evelyne, I have The Artful Ribbon and I can't find where in the book she mentions about the nautilus cockade - could you please pass on the page number? Maybe I have an older edition also - 1996?
No worries Evelyne, I was more worried that my book had lost pages! I think I have seen the same videos so will look back at them again :)
So helpful!
I took a millinery class at Lacis Museum of Lace and Textiles, 2980 Adeline St., Berkeley CA 94703, 510-843-7290. The class was taught by Lynn McMasters and one of the projects she taught was creating a grosgrain nautilus cockade. Maybe you could call Lacis and get some information about her schedule. I believe she is from Sacramento, CA. Hope this information helps.
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