There are times when I think I have an unhealthy attachment to my hats. I want each and every hat to go to a good home where they will be appreciated. I didn't realize how important this was to me until I recently sold one of my free form hats that I had lovingly formed, stiffened and added touches of what I considered beautiful lace. I sold the hat at an event where several women had commented about how beautiful and unique it was. Several tried the hat on and found it beautiful, but out of their price range. The woman who purchased the hat was in a hurry, grabbed the hat and plopped it on her head, looked at me and said, "I guess this will do." I smiled and asked how she would like to pay for the hat, processed the transaction, lovingly packaged my baby, and handed it to her. This was one of my higher priced hats, made from quality materials. She flung it over her shoulder and hurried off. I wanted to grab my hat back and hide it out of her reach.Only moments before it had been touched so lovingly by others who were very careful not to damage it, knowing the price. Do I have a problem, or has anyone else wanted to take down a customer with a flying tackle and reclaim your delicate creation?
Views: 1059
I'm joining this conversation a bit late - maybe because although I've had a few 'ho-hums' I haven't heard real negative feedback from a customer yet (not to say it won't happen one day though!)
But, on a positive note, today the very nicest thing happened. I got an order for a simple bridal headpiece from a young woman. Nothing fancy and quite simple for me to make. Was was lovely is that she said she was 'thrilled that her wedding headpiece was being made, as she would now have a proper family heirloom to pass down to her daughter and grand-daughters.' I was totally awestruck at that comment. This young woman is going to get the most carefully made piece I've ever done. :)
That is so wonderful Greer!
Maybe the same rule with animals applies to hats, as soon as you name them they become your pet. :)
Louise, maybe I should quite naming both. ;)
Greer, those are the most enjoyable pieces to make--the ones you know will be treasured.
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