Ladies and Gents,

I recently purchased this donut block, just because I loved it but I don't know what I can do with it? 

Does anyone have any suggestions? 

Cheers, Felicity 

Tags: block, donut, millinery

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Bretons were so popular during the 1960s and often sat on the back of the head as in this pic.  Using this block because of its depth you can vary the depth of the crown or create something asymmetrical down one side up the other or wide curve at front but narrowing back at centre back. You may be able to use as a Dior style brim facing brim downwards but you would need to sit the collar onto it before it curves inward at the centre. From the pic the inner diameter is not large or oval ??  Experiment and have lots of creative fun. - Elaine xx 

Thank you SO much Elaine. The diameter of the Breton is 5.5 inches and the inner diameter is 2 inches.

I am very excited – I think I have captured what you are saying, because it's so small – would I need a small collar too?? 

How does the hat stay positioned, sitting towards the back of the head – by hat pin?

I can't wait to have an experiment.

You don't need a collar using the breton block as a turn up brim, as straw goes into the inner hole to create the collar. of straw. Many are using this block with no crown and hair in a bun sits in the space . At least 2 combs and loops on collar to attach bobby pins. The Breton was won on the head as well and to use this block you would need to make the inner circle to fit a regular 57.5cm collar plus leave the 1.5cm stand up of collar to attach to crown - most often flat tip crown. In the 60s the turn up was so high we called them rain catchers!! Do share end result - E xx 


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