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Headband options?Hi Everyone! Headbands - any recommendations of a comfortable type? The thin wire ones always seem to press behind the ear and become uncom… Started by Belinda Green in ASK A MILLINERLatest Reply |
youtube tutorials on photographyI have watched a few videos and the content is amazing, easy to follow and there is even a video on how to change your background, make the… Started by Shara LaFave in HAT CHATLatest Reply |
CAPTION CONTEST!Do your pets love your Studio as much as you do? Caught Sheba sitting in this hat keeping herself cosy & warm! What the clients do not… Started by Elaine Mergard in HAT CHATLatest Reply |
Removing mould from vintage felt hatsHi everyone I have been asked by a lovely lady if it is possible to remove mould from 1920's felt hats. These hats are part of a wonderful… Started by Melissa Rath in VINTAGE MILLINERYLatest Reply |
"Flowers: Fake it or make it?""Flowers: Fake it or make it?" - Do others feel guilty using pre-made flowers or prefer just to make it themselves despite the cost of time… Started by Sophie Allport in HAT CHATLatest Reply |
Trend Setting with Tartan?When I think of the colder months I am instantly reminded of the Tartan skirts I used to wear to school. Lately I have been seeing Tartan… Started by Sophie Allport in HAT CHATLatest Reply |
PHILIP TREACY BLAMES AUSTRALIANS FOR FASCINATOR?In this article Philip Treacy criticises the "fascinator" and states: "Fascinator is a term that came from Australia. Blame the Australians… Started by Elaine Mergard in HAT CHATLatest Reply |
How do you get into your Creative Zone?Creativity is a funny thing, it can keep you up all night once it gets started but the trick is knowing how to turn it on when you need it… Started by Sophie Allport in HAT CHATLatest Reply |
Making Easter Bonnets?This is my last minute bonnet I put together for my grand daughter, 14 month old Lillian as the Day Care Centre is having an Easter Bonnet… Started by Elaine Mergard in MILLINERY BUSINESSLatest Reply |
Milliners in London?I am relatively new to London life and have been struggling to find a hub for like-minded, creative people such as myself. I feel that I wo… Started by Lottie Sparks in HAT CHATLatest Reply |
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