Featured Discussions

How to make a nautilus cockade

Having seen a vintage cloche featuring a grosgrain nautilus cockade I want to make one.  I can't find any instructions anywhere.  A friend…

Started by Sandra BrakeLatest Reply

Used Hat Blocks

For some beginners affording and sourcing the needed hat blocks can prove challenging. What are some creative ways of getting around this i…

Started by Deniese DennisLatest Reply

How to Manage Inventory/Selling

For those of you that sell, how do you all manage inventory? Do you do a 'one and done' for each hat or do you make additional pieces the s…

Started by AriaLatest Reply

Discussions Replies Activity

Felt stiffener and white marks???

Hi all, This has probably been asked a dozen times but...? I use a flammable felt stiffener from Parkins UK, not cheap at £20.00 plus VAT…

Started by Susan Fage

30 on Tuesday
Reply by Asgrim Paulsson

Anything similar to buntal?

Hi all, I'm very much a beginner in millinery and haven't had the opportunity to play around much yet. I've been watching the buntal brims…

Started by Katie Heitmann

2 Jun 27
Reply by Katie Heitmann

Blocking with buckram silk overlay

Hi  is there a course on here that shows how to block with buckram and overlay with silk? 

Started by Lisa von Hallwyl

1 May 16
Reply by Elaine Mergard

Wiring the entire frame of a small mad hat

Hello to all Millinery enthusiasts  I do not have a smaller mad hatter block version and I have been trying with buckram but cannot curve t…

Started by Catherine Cazes-Wiley

1 Apr 13
Reply by Carolyn Devins

Felt hat old looking

Hi all, I’m going thru different techniques to make new felt hats look older, but somehow I saw a hat that is using I suppose oil or someth…

Started by Daniela Sanz

0 Mar 29

Melusine top hat

I purchased a melusine top hat from a hat maker in London. When I received it I had to take it to a hat manufacturer in Colorado to have it…

Started by John Ferguson

0 Mar 26

Blocking with lace?

Hello. I am working with guipure lace for the first time and I would like to place it over a improvised top hat wire frame. I appreciate an…

Started by Mary McCann

1 Mar 17
Reply by Catherine Cazes-Wiley

Melusine stiffener

Hello please can anybody help me I need to stiffen Melusine double sided I’m afraid to don’t ruin the felt  thank you so much 

Started by Viorica Hiriczko

2 Jan 2
Reply by Viorica Hiriczko

how to remove foundation make up from a hat

Hi Everyone Still learning loads! would appreciate if you could please advise some tips on removing foundation makeup from a cream hat wit…

Started by ciara sweeney

16 Dec 9, 2023
Reply by S. Scheffer

What is the best hat for a roof cleaner?

Hello, I'm asking on behalf of a dear friend who cleans moss off roof shingles in Seattle for a living. The summer is over now so it's nice…

Started by LynnT91

0 Nov 18, 2023


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