I want to ask for those doing the course with all the equipment, how much will it be to get started? This will help me alot to budget and know what I am in for.
Hi Simona, Glad you are considering the cost before you start learning Millinery. Like any Trade there are tools you need. Most have a basic sewing kit and sewing machine (an older machine that can handle thickness of wire and felt suffices.) The blocks you need to start off are in link below- scroll down to HAME set. If you can't afford a steamer do what I did for years and old kettle with spout on the stove. Each course has a Product Kit you need & price depends accordingly to hats to be made. Check Discussions on left hand side of Inspiration page, by searching for steamers or sewing machines as so many suggestions from other milliners. Hope this helps -Elaine https://hatblocksaustralia.com.au/hat-academy