We can photograph, wherever you are in the world.

We regularly get asked to do photographs from milliners who are not based near us in the UK.

We wanted to see if there is a way we can deliver our photography to milliners wherever they are in the world.

Well we have managed to crack it and have done shoots for the likes of Donna Hartley who is based in Spain.

So how does it work?

  • We have an initial discovery call over WhatsApp or whatever platform you prefer. This allows you to explain what you want to achieve.
  • You get to chose from a selection of models that we are familiar with.
  • We set a date.
  • You arrange courier and pick up of hats.
  • We look after your hats (we are a pet free, smoke free home and frankly Anjee treats them like they are her children!!)
  • The day of the shoot arrives. You are linked in via video so you can view the hats but also ensure they are sat right.
  • Through a secure web link as the photos are taken they are sent direct to your device wherever you are in the world, as long as you have wifi, 4G etc.
  • Hats are picked up and returned to you via your courier.
  • We edit the hat images so they are ready for you to use.
  • We manage the whole event for you.

If this is of interest to you just let us know. More details of what we do can be found by clicking here.

Jon & Anjee.

ps all the hats attached are by Donna Hartley. She was sat in Spain and dialed in for the shoot.

Tags: millinery, photography

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