I bought all three silk abaca lessons and I am really enjoying learning the new techniques. I especially enjoy making the ruffles and I had a go at weaving. This is fast becoming my favourite material to work with! What type of base do you think is best for a silk abaca hat and why?
I to have done the classes and loved them. There was no real mention of how to use it in the blocking. I have made the flowers, ruffles and bows which all look fabulous I just haven't mounted them on anything. I did buy matching sinamay to block some bases. Would love to try blocking some silk abaca. I also tried using it to bind, but I wasn't successful as I was unable yo cut it on the bias and the finish just wasn't any good.
Your pieces look fabulous, well done.
I didn't do much with the braiding but used the ruffles. I even went as far as to stiffen other materials experimenting and make the ruffles, it worked well. I just made tubes ironed them, stiffened with fabric stiffener from lincraft and made the ruffles as shown in Amanda's class. I am happy with them but they aren't on a hat yet.