Elaine Mergard's Comments

Comment Wall (252 comments)

Carla Murley said…

Thank you so much for your lovely welcome Elaine! ... Carla Murley - Murley & Co Millinery x

Monjio said…


Thank you so very much for your pleasant welcome!   I am actually from the United States, for over six years I have lived in Italy.  I have an MFA as a Costume Techincian, but I my concentration has always been in millinery.  A huge chunk of my millinery work was done in the states, I have not had a chance to upload more photos of my work.

It has been difficult here in Italy locating materials, I usually have to order from the UK!  At the moment I am working on my new line of children's hats that will be sold locally! 

I would love to do more work with felt and straw, but I am a stay-at-home mom, I do not have a budget to work with for blocks etc..  I make the most of what I have, I noticed it has assisted me in becoming a more creative milliner!

Thank you again!  I am happy to be here and I am looking forward to meeting some amazing milliners!!


Michelle Trapp said…

Hi Elaine,

Thank you. I'm glad I found the Hat Academy. I watched lessons 1 & 2 and cannot wait start! 



Traci Ely said…
Thank you very much for your message Elaine and your kind words about my work so far. I'm thrilled to have found Hat Academy and after completing my first lesson today I loved it and will be back for more very soon :)
Theresa Burns said…

I am enjoying your site. It feels good to read the discussions and view the work of others.  Most of all, the site will give me an opportunity to speak with people in millinery terminology.  Often I see blank facial expressions or long pauses during telephone calls when I’m describing my activities.  I'm looking forward to starting the lessons, getting involved with the discussions and, of course, showing off. (LOL)  Thank you for your kind welcome.



Studio ANISS said…

Thank you for your warm welcome. 

Toya Monk said…

Hi Elaine,

I received the piece of somic you sent today, thanks that will defintely help me as I hoping to do some work on my cocktail hat bases over the Easter, thanks again.

Also thanks for updating the video on binding, that makes a lot more sense, and your tips on how to put the foot against the wire and how to position your hands whilst feeding is really helpful. Thankyou

Laura Murcia said…

Hello Elaine,

Thank you so much for your lovely welcome. I think Hat Academy is a perfect website, where we can learn, discuss, show my work and connect with others milliners.

Best regards.


Laura Murcia



Tanya Hodgson said…

Thanks Elaine, Great site! I hope to the beginners course soon.  Thanks for your message, it is much appreciated.  Kind Regards, Tanya"

Katie O'Brien said…

Hi Elaine, lovely to meet you too.  What a wealth of knowledge you must have in the millinery industry.  I'm just getting into it and loving every minute. Going to start checking out the site and adding my pics.



Zak said…

Hello Elaine, thank you for the site & the comment also, I'll add new works in 10 days hope you'll find them interesting and creative. My site is under constaraction... I'll add some information on my profile in your site & i'll use your new marketplace, love it. 

Thanks once more, have a good day


Dannielle Kukar said…

Thanks so much for the welcome message, Elaine. I live in the millinery wasteland of South Florida. That's where a hat is perceived as having a bill you were to the side or backward. I have been putting forth a lot of energy toward bringing a great teacher, Jan Witkowski to the area and hope to have her come down in November of this year. I've been learning a lot on my own. I am a disgruntled seamstress (no patience for large pieces) and a full time professional graphic designer. Here's a sample of what makes my heart beat faster. Small pieces with a lot of detail. This one features paper maché on padded buckram, flowers made from orange peels and plastic netting from the bag of oranges. Not yet listed on my Etsy online shop.


Hope to learn more from you!

Svetlana Faulkner said…

Dear Elaine,

Thank you for your kind welcome message. I am a novice in millinery and hat making but experienced in silk flower making. I have been studying silk flowers for more that one and a half years with several tutors and I am planning to soon start teaching silk flower making myself. I believe gorgeous fabric flowers n combination with original hats and fascinators would look stunning and impressive. To be able to succeed in hat making I am going to self study using you resourceful website and if I have a chance, to take a course from one of the milliners here in the UK.
I have a blog http://presentperfectcreations.blogspot.co.uk/ where I put up some free tutorials (more to come), share my reviews on flower making books as well as give an insight to my work and creative process.

Should you have any questions regarding silk, fabric or leather flower making, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Here s one of my latest multi petal roses. Would it not look gorgeous on a hat?

Trena Kelley-McCloud said…


Thank you for the warm and personal welcome. I'm sure I will have plenty of questions and yes it seems that Florida (even though huge in the fashion industry) has very little to offer in the millinery field. Louise Green has a show and class in the Miami area once a year but, I have not found many resources. I was very excited to find this available on the internet and would like to thank you  for making this available. I am looking forward to starting the classes soon and hopeful of my future in millinery.

Sincerely grateful.


Toya Monk said…

Hi Elaine,

Thanks for last week, it was really great, the conversation's were fantastic and really inspiring. I have now finally put some photo's up on facebook, please check it out, I would love some feedback from you. My photo's aren't the best but I suppose it's a start. Thanks


Wendy Freaney - Hat Candy said…



WOW... How do you have the time!  I buy ALL my sinamay in white and then go onto the Rite dye site.  The client will pick a color in the say pinks shade, I pull up the recipe for 1 cup and away I go.  Generally add gelatin and block straight away (except for black) http://www.ritdye.com/colorit_color_formula_guide this makes my life so much easier.  I also buy my petersham & feathers in cream and do exactly the same for them.  Saves so much time and money!


I do want to learn straw braiding.  I have a flat pattern that I bought from Lynn Masters for a mad hatter and it can be made either using fabric or straw.  I also purchased a normal top hat pattern which I have made a few of with a buckram base and fabric (satin) finish.  I am working on a green satin top hat for my 13 year old right now and will post pics as soon as its finished.


Love this site, we can ask questions, take classes and buy materials.



Patriciana Drew said…

Thank you Elaine,

I  am enjoying my millinery very much. I am  looking  forward to learning more millinery techniques to enhance my skills. 

I am reading bit by through this site, it is going to be a great journey!

Best wishes Patriciana

Mikado Millinery said…

Thanks Elaine for your warm welcome.  I was delighted to discover the site and am looking forward to learning and contributing!\

- Nicole

Genevieve Amelia said…

Thank you so much Elaine for such a lovely welcome! I'm thrilled I found the site and am really looking forward to learning as much as possible from you, improving my skills, learning new techniques and getting involved where I can. Congratulations on such a wonderful site - it's exactly what I was looking for! 

Genevieve x

Emma Roberts said…
Hi Elaine thanks for the lovely welcome. I'm always keen to learn new techniques and get in touch with fellow hatters. The website is a wonderful resource. Many thanks Emma

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