When most people think of making hats they think of the creative process, the skills, time and effort but few people take the time to really think about the materials and where they come from, Rachael Warillow is the exception. Rachael had taken a traditional art and brought it into the 21st century where people are becoming more and more conscious about their products and where they come from and it has paid off. Rachel’s approach has seen her brand “Warrillow” become an award winning ethically responsible vegan millinery brand. “I use sustainable and organic materials wherever possible to create Warwillow hats, headpieces and fascinators”.

Rachel’s drive to support ethical practices extends into her packaging as well where she only chooses 100 % recycled products and encourages customers to re-use the boxes where possible. Rachael’s designs often include recycled or up cycled materials including this gorgeous upturned brim hat which features a floral fabric bonded to a sinamay base. Whilst not all material are recycled, the materials she does choose to purchase are all selected from reputable suppliers and are either vegan or made from natural products. 
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