Milliners are multi-talented creatives and photography is often another string in our bow. Hatspiration Celebration applauds every members contribution in Hat Academy to create over TEN THOUSAND inspiring photographs of hats and headwear in all styles & genre! We asked ten top contributors in Hat Academy to choose their favourite hat photograph amongst the community pics, detailing the reason for their choice.


AMANDA G. JOYNER: "There's nothing like a photo to highlight the drama of a hat. With the right lighting and model even the smallest of pieces can have a huge impact on the viewer.  From the model to the setting it captures every inch of glamour Christie Murray was trying to evoke with her piece."



MAGDA ZGORSKA: "Not only the photo is beautiful, but it shows this delicate and detailed headband perfectly. I am impressed how the artist made this wire wrapped band so stylish, very modern and retro at the same time. Its hard to show very delicate accessories on photos, because sometimes they disappear in all the styling. I love Tatiana Ashakova's work and her retro collection. Fine fabrics, delicate wires and beads is what makes every piece so special."


MARGE IILANE: "I love how this headpiece by Genevieve Amelia which has been constructed to tiny-small elements. Everything is in its place and the quality of it is superb. Of course its not the hat or headpiece most people would wear at the weddings or races etc, but it could be more theatrical or fashion show headpiece. I think its technically also very challenging project. Plus of course big credits go to the photographer the make-up artist and to all her model-girls who are also amazing."



KATHLEEN LISSON: "This photo from Ana Pribylova shows that adding a classically styled hat to a modern outfit can create a feeling of elegance and leisure that is perfect for a picnic, day at the races or polo match. The natural, non-editorial style of the photo makes the idea of wearing a hat much less 'aspirational' and more approachable."




LISA JAYNE: "I like this photograph from Marge Iilane, as I think it captures the beauty of the hat. The fact it is taken on an angle shows the hat off to it's best advantage as it shows the layers. If it was taken front on, whilst still beautiful it would become flat. I like the 3d image this photo produces. I love the way the girl is styled as I think it works beautifully with the laser cut out detailing in the saucer part of the hat, the fact that the collar of the dress also looks like cut outs works really well. Her hair and make up are elegant, and the pose is flattering and demure, also keeping it all in black also keeps the focus on the hat, and the overall image."



MELISSA BARNES: "This Justine Bradley-Hill image appealed to me because of the sophistication and beauty conveyed in the black and white photography. It evokes a sense of nostalgia while drawing the viewer in to focus the timeless millinery piece and classic styling of the model."





BRIDGET EARLY: "What catches my eye about this photograph first, aside from the technically great photography, is the bright purple and green color combination in the expertly detailed Victoria Henderson hat, which is also mirrored in the car and coordinates with the lavender clothing. What keeps me looking is that while the model is beautiful, she is also "real", beautifully styled hair, yet ever so slightly out of place; makeup theatrical, but not over the top, a little self-absorbed rather than posing for the camera. Touching her lip to, "fix her lipstick," is much sexier, in my opinion, than gratuitous sexual innuendo. This photograph makes the viewer ask, 'Who is she, where is she going, and where did she get that awesome hat?' " Photography by Cessiah Alice.




BELLINDA HAASE: "This photo from Marge Iilane was a stand-out to me for a few reasons. The simplicity of the photo works very well in showcasing the hat (clean background, neutral expression of model, stylish/understated makeup/outfit/hair, great lighting). I also was drawn to the quality and design of the hat, the laser cut brim is very on-trend at the moment and I love the modern take on a vintage style boater hat - very appealing to my personal millinery style."





CASSY HILL: "This photo grabbed my attention because one it was pink, but also you can see both the front, back and sides of the hat by Dawn Wilson. I really love the quirkiness of the photo as well, not a posed picture but a preview of something that's about to happen, it's telling a story. I quite like the dark and light within the photo as well, although a little more light from the right hand side would have highlighted the detail in the hat a little bit more. Overall it is a well staged photo that shows the hat off beautifully."




ELAINE MERGARD: "I love creatives like Louise Björnram who think outside the square. The setting for this photograph is very different but has all the elements of artistic composition with the strong contrast of the red hat against the greenery in the background which is balanced by the liquid blue in the lake somewhere in Borås, Sweden. The scintillating ripples in the water lead the eye to pursue the hat and wearer in detail.  The red Parisisal straw hat with a pleated crown and sculptured brim was such fun to create so why not have fun with photography also!"


Thanks again to all contributing members who share their photographs of hats and headwear within the community. You are such fabulous milliners and inspire so many with your creativity!

Which is your favourite? 

Views: 1082

Tags: #millineryinterview, Millinery photos, the spindle

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