She's one of our fabulous millinery tutors, a mother, milliner, beauty therapist and colour dying master among many things but one thing some people may not know about this fabulous lady is that she is a Fashion On The Field specialist. Amanda Macor has been competing for many years and has had incredible success to boot. Amanda's knowledge of millinery, colour dying techniques and beauty, all come into play when competing in FOTF which is ultimately why this talented fashionista has had such great success over the years.

What made you first get into FOTF, and what do you love most about it?
I love FOTF so much and have for a long time. I grew up on the Darwin racetrack dressing up and attending races, well before FOTF was a thing. My dad was a jockey and my mother was a dressmaker. We used to dress up for every race day and work as bookies clerks. It was a natural progression to go from dressing up for the races to competing on the stage when Fashions on the field came about, I was already dressed up so why not give it a whirl.

Tell us about your experiences with FOTF.
Mainly positive, for me its all about getting together with friends and having fun. I have always loved the experience of FOTF. I am so inspired by everything about FOTF, in particular, the possibilities it brings. The possibilities of meeting new people of seeing the vibrant fabrics, colours, textures and the new ideas and inspirations that come with that.

What has been your greatest experience so far?
My greatest experiences so far have been winning the VIC sash at Melbourne carnival 2012 where I proudly displayed my new love of Silk Abaca in the headpiece of my winning look. Silver shoes and sass and bide belt. This is where I really started showcasing silk abaca and sharing it with others. Another favourite was winning a BMW Car at Randwick Racecourse wearing my favourite dress with a crayon print.

Is there a milliner/milliners that you favour?
Mr Ian Bennett and Kim Fletcher, I have a few but these are very special to me. They are just beautiful people and I am so grateful for their lifelong friendship and inspired by their creativity.

What trends do you see on the rise for next year?
I think the new season will be inspired immensely by Stephen Jones’s latest big brimmed hats and riding caps with bow detail. It's going to be all Dior, a mixture of trilby meets sunhat. Watch the return of the brim, brimmed pieces take a real level of skill to execute.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
Everywhere, Instagram, magazines, old books, vintage magazines and old hat books. The techniques from back then are the same, nothing is new, you just need to make them your own and add your modern twist.

What is something you would like milliners to know about FOTF and the headwear they create?
Comfort is everything! They need to know how to wear their headpieces and make sure they can wear them all day so that it is comfortable for customers. Spend the time teaching them how to wear their creations and the most comfortable ways to attach.

What is your favourite outfit you have worn to FOTF?
The crayon dress, the playfulness of it and the stories you can make up about the dress. I had a lot of fun with this one and even made up a story for a New Zealand camera crew for a bit of a laugh! Honestly, people take themselves too seriously at the races. We have a dare at the races about who can get on TV and who can tell the best story. I told them some kids at a preschool thought my dress was too boring so they grabbed their crayons and made it pretty for me!

What do you like seeing on Fashions On The Field?
I like that there is a variety of everything, there is something to suit everybody. I also love the separation of ages! FOTF is for everybody of all ages and a feel like there is a confidence that comes with age.

Advice for budding FOTF entrants?
Have a drink and stop taking yourself so seriously! If you don’t drink, find someone who makes you laugh to set your mind at ease. Get there early so you can have time to relax, slow down. Whatever you think is a normal pace halve it. You have three seconds to do a turn and make an impression so don’t waste it. Look down the barrel of the gun to the judges, smile and take your time. At the end of the day, win lose or draw, smile and have fun at least you’ll have a nice photo to remind you of your fabulous outfit and a fun day out with your friends.

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Tags: Amanda Macor, FOTF, fashions on the field

Amanda Macor

Thanks for the shoutout Hatacademy, you have captured why Fashions on the Field is my happy place. I love spending time at the racetrack, and the colourful interesting people who love it too xx

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