I've always had an obsession with hats....every hat has a story, they show your personality and with each hat you can be a different person :)
About Me
Working in the horse racing industry as a trackwork rider and strapper, and attending race mettings frequently, i fell in love with racing fashion. I started entering Fashions in the Field events and have since won a number of best dressed lady titles. I recently started making my own hats and would like to further my career with millinery.
Great you found my site on the internet Shannon. Congrats on your wins -a great way to grab attention of future clients. Being so close to the Gold Cst is a plus for your marketing as so much activity there in racing + $$ I hope you find my site inspiring. I set this up to help those who live at a distance from colleges where Millinery is taught. I have students who are isolated in Jamaica, US, Spain & around the world but my real love is to help Aussies as it is on such a huge wave here currently. I am committed to helping you -any questions do message me.
To make the most of Hat Academy remember to read through the Welcome Page - Read here
Stay in touch, Elaine
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Great you found my site on the internet Shannon. Congrats on your wins -a great way to grab attention of future clients. Being so close to the Gold Cst is a plus for your marketing as so much activity there in racing + $$
I hope you find my site inspiring. I set this up to help those who live at a distance from colleges where Millinery is taught. I have students who are isolated in Jamaica, US, Spain & around the world but my real love is to help Aussies as it is on such a huge wave here currently. I am committed to helping you -any questions do message me.
To make the most of Hat Academy remember to read through the Welcome Page - Read here
Stay in touch, Elaine
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