it gives me the freedom to be creative and express my ideas, it can complimate the outfits i make from something ordinary to stunning that makes me feel great
About Me
my background is in textiles in clothing,which i teach to people with intelectual disabilties, i needed a hat/facinators to go to s few fuctions a few years ago and could find a hat i like or in the colour i needed as i had made the outfits myself, i always like to be different at these fuction and if i make them myself no one else turns up in the same outfit, so i took up millenery, i went on a few course with lina stein last year and am addicted, i just keep making hats and improving and learning new skills, and using skills from other area in my life.I have never sold any yet but give them out on loan, as i find it hard to part with them.
Wonderful you found our website Alison. So pleased you have joined me in Hat Academy and hope you find it inspiring. I am committed to helping you add to your skills.
I set this up to help Beginners -once you learn the basic techniques you will be surprised how creative you can be. Millinery is a creative art & in huge demand currently. Any questions do message me here.
To make the most of Hat Academy remember to read through the Welcome Page - Read here
Enjoy, Elaine
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Wonderful you found our website Alison. So pleased you have joined me in Hat Academy and hope you find it inspiring. I am committed to helping you add to your skills.
I set this up to help Beginners -once you learn the basic techniques you will be surprised how creative you can be. Millinery is a creative art & in huge demand currently. Any questions do message me here.
To make the most of Hat Academy remember to read through the Welcome Page - Read here
Enjoy, Elaine
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