Privileged to have you join me in my site Hat Academy,Toby. I hope you find it inspiring. With your sewing skills you would excel in Millinery
In 2008 I realized if I did not share my skills learnt in 64/65 when I fall off the perch my skills die with me. I am sure you appreciate the hard work to get everything videoed + the cost involved to hire Professional Videographer... but worth it all to read messages from students around the world learning these techniques for the first time. To make the most of Hat Academy remember to read through the Welcome Page - Read here
Enjoy, Elaine
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Privileged to have you join me in my site Hat Academy,Toby. I hope you find it inspiring. With your sewing skills you would excel in Millinery
In 2008 I realized if I did not share my skills learnt in 64/65 when I fall off the perch my skills die with me. I am sure you appreciate the hard work to get everything videoed + the cost involved to hire Professional Videographer... but worth it all to read messages from students around the world learning these techniques for the first time.
To make the most of Hat Academy remember to read through the Welcome Page - Read here
Enjoy, Elaine
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