Wonderful you have joined me in HatAcademy, Sal. As milliners we are so lucky to work in such a creative world. A few costume designers/milliners here. Margaret from Sydney who made hats for Great Gatsby is now working on hats for King Kong movie remake. Another member has a historic collection of hats - 300 in all. To make the most of Hat Academy remember to read through the Welcome Page - Read here
Best Wishes, Elaine
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Wonderful you have joined me in HatAcademy, Sal. As milliners we are so lucky to work in such a creative world. A few costume designers/milliners here. Margaret from Sydney who made hats for Great Gatsby is now working on hats for King Kong movie remake.
Another member has a historic collection of hats - 300 in all. To make the most of Hat Academy remember to read through the Welcome Page - Read here
Best Wishes, Elaine
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