Wonderful you found our website online Elizabeth. So pleased you have joined me in Hat Academy and hope you find it inspiring. I am committed to helping you add to your skills.
I set this up to help Beginners but many experienced milliners are adding to their skills -Master Classes commence soon, all the traditional 60's techniques with a modern twist! Millinery is a creative art & in huge demand currently. Any questions do message me here.
To make the most of Hat Academy remember to read through the Welcome Page - Read here
Enjoy, Elaine
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Wonderful you found our website online Elizabeth. So pleased you have joined me in Hat Academy and hope you find it inspiring. I am committed to helping you add to your skills.
I set this up to help Beginners but many experienced milliners are adding to their skills -Master Classes commence soon, all the traditional 60's techniques with a modern twist! Millinery is a creative art & in huge demand currently. Any questions do message me here.
To make the most of Hat Academy remember to read through the Welcome Page - Read here
Enjoy, Elaine
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