Hi milliners. I am wanting to make a couple of large tear drop and saucer type hats which sit at the front on the forehead. One will have a button base, not sure about the other one. My question is, how do you position the wire to support the piece please? It's a mystery to me!

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Can anyone help please? Do you have any photos of the back of your head pieces? Thanks.
Have you tried looking at Hat Linings and Labels in the Millinery Biz section on this site? JudithM's Millinery blog has instructions called 'How do you make that thing stay on your head? Hope this helps you find a solution to your quest. Evelyne
Yes I read through all that thank you. What I'm after is photos of wiring attachment, as I can't really see how to do it. On Cup day it looked like there were double wire headbands in hair colours, pointed down to a V shape above the ear, then hat elastic or something underneath, is this correct? The wire looked a but thicker to me. I'm also stuck on how to secure a large disc or square of sinamay or woven silk Abaca, as at the Cup it acted like a sail and wanted to take off in the wind. The piece could have done with some wire on top, but I was unsure how to do it. My friend kept adjusting her hat and it wasn't on properly for the fashion comp, skipping back on the head. Being taller than me, I didn't notice until we got off the stage. Sigh. Any pics would be helpful thanks.

Have a look at this website.  There are lots of photos of the underside of hats.  Just click on the hat, and it will bring up the photos.  http://www.hatwoman.hk/shop/category.php?id_category=5  Hope this is what you were looking for. x

I have just been looking at this hat woman site - incredible! and fantastic that there is so much detail on show!

Thanks. It looks interesting!
So if you want to attach a large teardrop disc to the front of a button base on an angle, what do you do besides sewing the piece together to stop them falling apart? If you add wire on top of the button or anchor support, where exactly.do you add it? I'm sure I'm not the only one trying.this new technique, trying to keep up with new designs?

Front of Rebecca Share piece.

Back of Rebecca Share piece.

You've cracked it Caren! Lovely result! Looking forward to seeing more of your creations. Keep up the good work Regards Evelyne

Do you just use a heavy gauge wire to create a wire support and attach it to the headband that fits on the head? How do you connect the two headbands securely?


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