Please advise, I purchased some feather pads way back last year and stored them in an airtight container.  I recently opened this and there were loads of moths and small eggs (the feathers were all natural black and natural phesant pads) I took some of the pads out and removed the eggs/moths and used these feather as a decorative feature in a new headpiece.  I have just noticed that there are small insects (look like little mites) crawling on the feathers! how do you prevent this? and what should I do?  Many thanks Ciara

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Hi Ciara , 

You can put the  feathers in a plastic sealed bag and put this in the freezer overnight. So you are sure all insects are killed. 


many thanks!

I don't think you can do anything at this point for the ones on the hat.  BUT, anytime you buy "natural" or untreated feathers you must freeze them for about 2 weeks to kill these litter buggers.  Now, if you have a freezer big enough for the hat and it will not hurt the rest of the creation, you might be ok.  I also use talc or baking soda after freezing to help remove any residue from the feathers. 

Maybe someone else has a plan.  Good luck

note:  Feathers that are not treated can also carry disease and make you or your family quite sick if they are not taken care of properly.

wow. that is great information. I use mostly found feathers so I will find out how to treat them before use. thank you.

Check this discussion also for tips

Important not to mix your found feathers with expensive purchased ones in the same drawer or box. Sometimes I have taken all precautions and that feather mite monster somehow attacks my feathers! I stopped bulk buying/overstocking on feathers especially dyed pheasant feathers, as I hate to have to pitch damaged ones I have paid hard earned$ for. 

thanks Elaine, great tips from your link & much appreciated!

thanks Sharon, I did not know that these feathers needed to be freezed! thought they would have been treated etc but am learning the hard way!!! Going to put them into the freezer tomorrow and hope this eradicates them all!

Good Luck.  It seems we must all learn these things the hard way.


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