OK, mentors, I recently purchased this hat block and haven't used one of these more rounded blocks before.  Am I going to  have trouble getting the hat off of this block, if so, what tips can you give me? My beret block is a puzzle block, so this is my first rounded block that I can't take apart.

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Thanks, Dianne.  I am a bit obsessive about blocks, myself.  I never met a block I didn't like, but I am trying to be tough and tell myself that I don't need anymore blocks until I have used everything I have to the fullest. My little challenge seems to be growing in scale, and it seems to really be fueling my creativity.  I have more ideas than I can keep up with, and right now, I am enjoying my little experiment.

Nice work Bridget. I really like the hats you made with your new block! :)

Thanks, Cara!

Well done Bridget i hope i get there one day am a novice so have to get my skates on!!

Thank you Sarah.  You will be surprised at how quickly millinery skills build.  For me, the more hats I make, the more quickly skills build.


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