Millinery Convention 29/6/13 - 5/7/13

Is anyone going to the Brisbane Millinery Convention? I am thinking of going, but was wondering if I could meet up with others. I am thinking of attending classes on Wednesday, 4th of July. If you're going (I haven't registered yet) could you please advise. Thanks. A private message will suffice if you don't want to state your plans in public!

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Well the handbrake on my car failed, it rolled down my steep drive at night and was written off, SO I don't know if I will be able to attend! Oh dear, looks like I will be car hunting, as Elaine knows, I am in the middle of rural Queensland!

Hi Everyone coming to Conference

Hope you are counting the sleeps - I am also but it = only so many days to finalize my lesson preparation

We will meet in Canteen @ Tuesday lunch - look out for banner in one corner

Will be lovely for us to connect in the real world!!

If you do not have anyone to sit with @ the Hilton Dinner join Graham & I - just ask organizers to include you on our table list. Party Party !! after huge week of hard work. Conference is going to lift your creativity to new heights

Dear Caren we will be missing you but I will give you our little surprise pack we are adding to delegates welcome Kit. 

Cheers all C U soon

Luv E

Can't wait either Elaine!

So looking forward to meeting everyone in person!   

I was wondering about putting a little round red sticker on my lapel to identify me as a HatAcademy member at the cocktail party too ... :)

Thank you so much Elaine! I will be there next year! Have fun everybody, I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!

In case you do not know the layout of TAFE campus map here


Thanks for map - I'll need that - wil leave nice and early Tue morning so I can make it to Bris in time (don't want to miss any lesson time!!) Wil c u on Tue for lunch x

This is a bit cheeky, but I've just discovered there'll be Millinery Convention aprons available for $10.00 at registration.  It's first in, best dressed though - and registrations start on Saturday and I don't arrive until Sunday afternoon. 

Is there any chance someone could pick one up for me????


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