Hello Hat Academy Friends,

I am fairly new to the Millinery Industry but have been a designer for over 10 years. I have 11 pieces in an upscale boutique in San Francisco and an Etsy store. I have a comprehensive website with an organized gallery, an instagram page and a hat academy profile. I have contacted several local galleries and boutiques who have interest in local artists. So far, I have not had much response from any of my attempts. I believe in my product but need to get it seen by the correct target audience. I would like to avoid street fairs/local craft fairs because my work is very high-end and at a higher price point. Can anyone please offer me some feedback or advise as to how to promote my work?

Thank you in advance! XoCara

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Find some great ideas in the following discussions: WHERE TO SELL - HOW TO SELL - BUSINESS PLAN - SOCIAL MEDIA Also Facebook advertising is a great way to reach a specific audience.


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