looking for hat moulds and nice large mannequin heads

Does anyone know where I can find hat molds that I can send with an order that I am shipping, to protect the hat?

Also, looking for tall and large mannequin heads, I prefer plain ones that are not painted...

Any ideas?

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In answer to your quest for tall and large mannequin heads....please take a look-see at my web page www.crunkleton.com to view 21 different vintage style mannequin heads.  I am told they are beautiful and range from circa 1920 to 1955.  They are made in USA out of Resin material and priced reasonable.

I do sell them painted with faces and also painted plain with no faces.  However, these are SO beautiful that when you see them you will rather them painted.  My softly painted mannequin heads mimic the rare heads in my personal collection.

See www.crunkleton.com  Mannequin Heads by artist Marge Crunkleton.  Thanks for your interest.

Thank you for the info. Margaret.


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