How would I advertise my hat creations or market them.

Hello...First of all I am not a milliner, I am a Vintage Mannequin Head Maker

 The creative part of my business of head making is my favorite part of being a mannequin head maker.  Maybe because is the artistic part and it comes naturally for me as an artist.  The marketing is completely foreign to me..or WAS foreign.

However,  I have learned a thing or two.

Wear your millinery creations (with confidence) to show people how much fun wearing a hat can be.

Nothing else compares with changing your identity or look.

Feel good when you wear your hat.  You have created something few can.

Everyone loves to have fun. So show on lookers how to have fun instantly.

Aa a milliner you are one of an exclusive group....feel how much prettier you look.

Start with wearing a facinator...acceptable for any occasion.

Relax and enjoy your hat wearing experience. (if you aren't already).

Happy Hatting!  Try'll like it.

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Thanks Margaret!  By the way - your work is AWESOME!


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