Having seen a vintage cloche featuring a grosgrain nautilus cockade I want to make one.  I can't find any instructions anywhere.  A friend is sure she has seen some in a millinery book but can't remember which one.

Can anyone recommend a book that might help me?  At the moment I am pleating up the grosgrain with a thread and then pinning it out onto a foam ball to get the right shape but I wondered if there are some tips out there to make it easier.  I know it's probably just a variation of a plain round cockade but help would be appreciated.

This is the vintage one which inspired me.

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Thanks Edith. I remember when Lauren at American Duchess made her cockades. No I'm afraid it didn't help me. I had been playing around with making a nautilus for a little while at that stage. I think the pleater idea Austin mentioned is most likely my best bet. I just have to find time to try it. And in good light. My eyes aren't what they used to be.
Thankyou Brenda, bless your socks. That will help!
Might have to dig out my ribbon box and get moving!

 Oh I'm glad :)

I realize this is a bit late, but I found this online and wanted to share it. 

It's not full instructions, but it's a good place to start. 

Thank you so much, Gil. That’s an excellent series of photos. I’ll have to have another bash.



After all these years, today I checked YouTube again and if you type in "nautilus ribbon shell" you'll find a video on a milliner in the UK making them. 
Thank you to everyone for replying to my original question and providing information. With a little bit of finessing, I think I might manage to make one now


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