Having seen a vintage cloche featuring a grosgrain nautilus cockade I want to make one. I can't find any instructions anywhere. A friend is sure she has seen some in a millinery book but can't remember which one.
Can anyone recommend a book that might help me? At the moment I am pleating up the grosgrain with a thread and then pinning it out onto a foam ball to get the right shape but I wondered if there are some tips out there to make it easier. I know it's probably just a variation of a plain round cockade but help would be appreciated.
Views: 19884
Denise Dreher (Author)
There are instructions in the book listed above. But, try as I might, I couldn't really follow them. And most of the directions in that book are really good. I think it may have been operator error (me). You can buy premade ones at Hobby Lobby, but they are made out of cheap-looking ribbon. I was thinking about buying one and deconstructing it to figure out how to make one. My take is once you learn how to make one, they should be very easy to make.
I'm there. I have an entire roll of Petersham and a three-day weekend coming up--can't wait to try to make these. Those instructions are very good. I think using all the sharp pins and measuring the folds may be the keys to making them. Thanks for the directions!
I have the instructions in my to-do pile, but haven't had the time to get to them. I've been working on a big case for work, which has been monopolizing so much of my free time. I'm going to redouble my efforts to learn how to make one. I think Cockades are very sharp.
I made a cockade, I had to fold a piece of ribbon 19 times I think. I keep trying to add the photo here but can't. you can see it on my facebook page or ebay. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=272815835905789&set=a.1133...
It turned out pretty good
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