How do you get into your Creative Zone?

Creativity is a funny thing, it can keep you up all night once it gets started but the trick is knowing how to turn it on when you need it most. I would love to year how others get in the zone because sometimes we all need a little helping hand.
Here are a few of my own tips I use to get those creative juices flowing hopefully they will help you too. 

  1. Breathe. Stop, relax, and just take a deep breath and have a little quiet think about what you are doing/what you are making and how you might be able to approach the task.
  2. Get Tidy. Clean up your workspace. If you are anything like me you will have scissors, thread, materials and thimbles scattered everywhere from your last creative whirlwind. Cleaning your workspace helps to declutter your mind and lets you start on a clean slate (so to speak).
  3. Play Music. Playing music is a sure fire way to help you "get into the groove". It improves your mood dramatically, having a little dance will get the blood pumping and the brain ticking.

What are your favourite ways to "Get into your Groove"?

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When I have lost my creative spark.... I often stop, because, what I create doesn't come from a good place and often ends up looking as bad as I feel! so I acknowledge it, ( the creative blank) and go and do some research about different hats and my inspirational milliners. I often look at pinterest and get lost in the hat deisgns and sculpture. Pinterest jumps starts my creativity :) 

You are on the money there! Pinterest is such a fantastic resource and a great way to visually collect ideas! There is inspiration everywhere you just have to be able to stop and let it happen organically. 

I agree with cleaning up your workspace.  It is like starting fresh.

I go to my fabric stash or my ribbons and just run my hand over them slowly feeling their texture and allowing the colors to invade my brain.  Soon I begin to "see" new creations.

When all else fails I go back to my books on millinery and work through a "lesson" from scratch (as if I were a beginner) and as I am working, ideas start popping into my head on how to change the basic hat I am working on.

I tend to stay up after my husband has gone to bed, the phone is no longer ringing, and I don't feel as though I need to focus on anything, but what I am creating.  It allows the mind to relax.  Some of my most beautiful work has been done at 2 or 3 in the morning.  I also like to watch old movies, when men and women still wore hats as part of their daily wardrobe.

I have a pinterest page, Inspirational Millinery, which helps inspire me!


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