Hi All,

I'm trying to dye a batch of coque feathers to match an emerald green satin i have.  In the past I've used Jacquard Procion dyes but the emerald green they have just comes out a beautiful deep lime or light grass green.

So i tried a different brand but an acid dye and this time i got a forest green type colour

Today ive tried Acid dye from Jacquard as I've used the brand for dying before and received good results.

I used 1 teaspoon emerald acid dye, filled my fish poacher to 2 inches deep.  I made a paste of the teaspoon of dye first with a touch of hot water, before adding to the dye bath and added a splash of white vinegar.  After washing and soaking my ivory feathers,  i placed in my simmering dye bath .. 180 F for 10 minutes and got a stunning deep shade of green but not the bright emerald i wanted.   I added 200ml of water and tried some more wet soaked feathers... for 2 minutes and got an almost perfect result.. its still more of a forest green and not emerald though.   I really need that bright emerald colour.

I have a RIT emerald im going to try in a moment but i did keep all the other dye solutions in jars just in case anyone can recommend a colour to add or watering down more or anything which can help me achieve the colour im after.  Ive attached a shade sample.

I haven't dyed anything for maybe 10 years,so i bought all new dyes in.  But im struggling with this shade.

Any help would be much appreciated by me and my very patient client

kind regards Cathxx

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Hello, try using Dharmatrading.com (Dharma) acid dyes  and use malt vinegar instead of white vinegar. you can also use the jacquard acid dyes with Malt vinegar.  And sometimes you may have to leave the feathers in a little longer to achieve the color you want. I it's best to use white feathers, to get the true color.  beige and off white or natural will result in a different shade.

add the malt vinegar to the fish poach dye bath when it has before hot or steaming. before adding the dye from the cup with water.

Hope this helps.



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