As racing season approaches an end point, so too is the last chance for the bulk of your hat sales. Hopefully you have managed to sell most of your stock however, what do you do when you have a few post season hats left on hand? Here are a couple of options you might like to consider, to help you clear some shelf space and make room for the next season.

1. Reduce your price/offer special - Everyone loves a bargain or a special offer! Although we are sure your stock is well and truly worth every cent, sometimes reducing the price a little can really help to ensure your hats are out the door and on peoples heads where they can shine.

2. Have an auction - By hosting an auction on your hats through social media, give your customers a chance to purchase your hats by them submitting a price in comments. You may even make a little more money than you bargained for if a bidding war starts!

3. Retrim/alter hats - You already have the basis for a great new hat. Perhaps the stock you have left could do with a new lease on life. By adding some more detail or changing the colour combination of a trim you may just be creating someones dream hat!

How do you push post season sales?

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I have done #1 and #3, both with success but have found the retrimming the most successful.  I like the idea of the auction.  I also have donated some hats to charity or charity auctions which is always a good way of building good will and a potential new customer base. (Can also be a tax write-off is some places.)

Hi Sharon, 

I agree! It is always good to try new things and certainly donating is a another good one! I have also done this, sometimes charities have approached me for auction pieces/prizes and it is a really fabulous way to give back to the community and to help market your product!



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