Felt for Spring Racing..yea or nay?!

Hi everyone,

Just like to get your thoughts on felt hats for Spring Racing this year...

I've heard it's not appropriate for Melbourne at this time of the year (Spring), but have seen many beautiful pieces made from felt?!  Some of them prize winners over seas during the past year?

Do you think felt is a 'go' for the Spring Racing Carnival 2015?!

Would really appreciate your thoughts..thanks everyone!

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Thoughts anyone?!  Would you recommend or wear a felt hat for the Spring Racing Carnival?!  :)

Victoria Racing does have guidelines on their site for Spring Carnival FOTF and no felt for Spring is general rule. Spring is all about colour and colour range in felts from Australian Suppliers is limited at that time of year.  Melbourne Cup day can be 4 seasons in one but go for straws in fabulous colours.  Look forward to the new Spring Season.    

Thanks for your comments Elaine!

Definitely no go for felt for spring. However leather is considered to be transeasonal and you can sometimes get away with some fabrics. Mostly for spring, headwear should be straw, sinamay or the new fabrics jinsin, silk abaca and leather as previously mentioned.

Yes, I agree, go with either straws or leather. Australian summer and spring can be so hot so it is best to use the lighter more airy textiles. If you are looking for something in-between definitely go for the leather! It's my personal favourite! 

Thanks Sophie!

Thanks for that Jennifer :)


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