As the Spring Racing Carnival approaches at the speed of a galloping horse, so too the need for milliners and hat lovers alike to meet, share their ideas and for hats to be made, tried on twisted, tweaked and hopefully sold. All over the Australia the race-wear bee is buzzing and final decisions are being made on what to wear and how to wear it.
In sunny Queensland two Millinery Markets were recently held, showcasing fabulous local millinery talent as well as the unique ways in which milliners present their creations to customers. Some of these ways included setup of displays / stalls, payment methods, packaging, signage and promotion. With such a wonderful array of designers so too were their ideas and ways of presenting.
Millinery Markets are a great way for milliners to gain exposure for their brand and also meet existing and potential clients. By attending and hosting these events, you are also able to get a better face to face view on the customers needs and wants and also what is popular. Many milliners often find that it’s the hats they don’t “love” that tend to go first which is quite a good lesson to learn as everyone has different tastes and there is a hat for everyone!
Here are a few photos taken from the events that shows a huge range of beautiful millinery from some of our wonderful Hat Academy members and other fabulous local milliners.
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