Two weeks before Melbourne Cup & I am "surviving" on 3 hrs sleep each night. At 55 yrs of age I decided this is heart attack material so I put a stop to it next season & made changes. This is not easy as I do not want to disappoint anyone.  

How do you survive the deadline rush for hats a few weeks before Derby Day, Royal Ascot or Melbourne Cup ?

Do you get stuck into the coffee pot or do you set boundaries?
Share your tips for survival below.

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Well, Elaine, having too many custom hats is not a problem, yet.  I can still build in a couple days extra to make sure I make the deadline.  Back during my custom bridal gown days, however, I went on 2 and 3 hours of sleep a night as well. Now in my 50's, I am more likely to set boundaries.

I value sleep way too much to only get 3 hours, but I admire everyone's worth ethic to be able to do that. When I have deadlines that I can plan for, I try to give myself the deadline of having everything finished a week early. I never, ever finish early because there are always unexpected things that get in the way and slow me down. But it allows me to get 6 hours a night instead of 3 and then I have time for mistakes and unplanned events. I find that I work better and am more productive when I take care of my body, so I really try to put that at the top of the list. 

I make silly mistakes when I am tired.  If I am making for someone else, I have to do it while I am fairly fresh.  If I am experimenting, I could stay up all night.  Sometimes silly mistakes are good then. 

However, I don't have so many custom orders that it has to become an issue :)


Oh Elaine I know just where you are coming from!  And not just for Melbourne Cup - I seem to have a few peak times as I am stocked in several locations with varying peak race seasons so no rest for me!!  I know that in the weeks leading up to a big event I too function on only a few hours sleep per night, on top of working a full time day job it gets very hectic and takes it toll on everything (health, family, household, work etc etc). 

Difficult to pass on any survivial tips as I sometimes sit back after the big event for a big breath and wonder how on earth I managed to get it all done!  I guess the biggest tip is set yourself boundaries and stick to them - and learn to say NO to custom orders if you simply will be pushing yourself too far.  I have had to do this for Spring this year as I was simply too busy with store orders and ran out of time.  You then need to decide whether your priority is in-store pieces or customs I suppose.

Not very helpful, I know, but it is comforting in some way to know that there are others in the same no-sleep zone as me and for the same reason - a dedication to millinery :)



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