I am relatively new to London life and have been struggling to find a hub for like-minded, creative people such as myself.

I feel that I would really benefit from having a place where I could meet with such people to share ideas and get creative with but don't even really know where to begin!

I was just wondering if anyone knows of any meeting places or clubs for milliners to join in the London area?  

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Hi Lottie, Ill be moving to London in July, I would love to know the answer to this questions too! if no answers, I would love to connect with you and have crafty creative conversations )

Hi Ana, brilliant thank you for your reply! I'd love to connect with you when you move over this way for sure :) in desperate need of more creatives in my life. Love you'r newspaper hat :)

I wish I was in the London area, I could do with meeting up and sharing tips etc......

Look At the website "London Hat Week". It starts this week. I'm going there for 4 days, and will try to blog on my website my experiences and  all the interesting things about hats in London!!!

go to www.hatmade.be

and have a look!

Its hard to find...most of us converge online in London through things like this and linkedin and sometimes share tips and contacts.  Generally things like London hat week happen once a year and you get to meet people with same interest! But this can be challenging friendships to build since essentially you are competing with each other to establish yourself....if you get my meaning!  But if you can meet those you have a mutual bond with then you could meet up or occasionally organise a drink and meet on casual basis to share and discuss challenges etc!!!

Hi ladies Rose Cory in Shooters Hill Blackheath has workshops twice a week with up to 12 ladies all making hats I'm not sure how much she charges but its very good for networking.

Hope this helps.

It is fun to spend time at clubs .

I'm also in London and would love to chat about hats and everything creative!!


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