Dear All - especially Australia based milliners. I have question. Considered the fact that I am moving to Australia later this year I really want to get to to Melbourne Cup Festival. Can anyone to explain me everything about it? Especially, how ladies enrol to competitions, et cetera.

Tags: Ascot, Awards, Cup, Festivals, Hats, Melbourne, Milliners

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Hi Irina,

This is an amazing carnival, not to be missed. Ladies entering FOTF competition can enrol online before the event or on the day but it is best to get in early so make sure you check times online!

For the millinery Award it is invitation only however you can apply for consideration. If you check out the page and follow links you will be able to find out a little more.

Thank you Sophie,

I have been thinking about and decide that I will just attend Melbourne Cup this year to see it myself as checked the link you attached and there is requirement to have a model to reprent a design. Since I don't know anyone yet in Australia it would probably wise to postpone it until next year. :) But will see later. Thank you very much.


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