I hijacked another thread earlier getting into this discussion, and thought it deserved its own!

As with any market, we can grow our business either by growing our share of a stably-sized market, or by growing the size of that market. Ideally both, but it benefits the trade as a whole to grow the size of the market.

This is really hard for us "odd bird" US milliners as the US market seems to have suffered more than others. Which also results in customers being surprised at fair millinery prices and makes it more difficult to have a healthy profit margin.

Personally, I'd love to do what we all can to grow the size of the market and restore a "hat culture" in the US. So I've set up this thread for us to do some brainstorming...it would be great if milliners from "healthier" markets would join in the conversation. Like I said, a larger market helps us all. And we all got into this because we love hats ourselves.

My initial thoughts...

Are you wearing your hats? To the races? To church? To weddings? To cocktail parties? To garden parties and teas?...Maybe a bit over the top but if it looks good why not for "trips into town" or more "everyday" occasions *as when the market was a healthier size* Why would anyone buy a hat from you if you don't even wear your own work? Homework for me is that I am all about the huge church hats but can't bring myself to make smaller, cocktail and everyday hats...LOL

Are you wearing your hat in a manner that would make someone else want to buy your hat? (Incl your clothing and other accessories)

My other thought is that if you can't find these events, create them. Host your own cocktail party, garden party, tea. The only hesitation there is that it could look like a bit of a cash grab if you're already known to sell hats :D

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