Learning with Hat Academy online.

1. Read the individual lesson requirements and prepare or purchase materials.
2. Treat the Lessons as a face to face lecture & demonstration. Use a note book to make notes on each lesson for future reference.




3. You are able to access the lesson from the time your purchase is processed. You may review the lesson as many times as you wish during the lifetime of your membership of Hat Academy. Lessons a by streaming video and is optimised to your devices and bandwidth automatically.




4. The lessons are designed as a complete course in sequence as listed but you have the liberty to choose in any order.




5. Course completion is governed by your time available to complete tasks set for each lesson.




6. It is essential for you to maximise your learning by completing all tasks. Also participate in Discussions and learn together. Share a photo of your completed hat or headpiece.




7. Some videos can be very technically comprehensive with several hours required to complete work. Work at your pace.




8. All students will work at a rate according to their experience in basic sewing and creative skills. Remember experience demands your time.




9. Additional Courses coming soon. Keep your eye out... 




10. The benefits of online learning include:
• Convenience - you can access on PC or mobile.
• You can study at your own pace and time.
• Don't have to worry about your location, transport or parking.
• Fit your study commitments around your family and lifestyle.
• Discuss hat topics with other milliners via discussions or tutor contact.




"To create the next generation of milliners by teaching techniques enabling each one to develop their unique creativity"
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Hi Elaine
Im staying in South Africa and newly hat maker.Want to learn more teqniques.How do I get videos of hatmaking and what is the cost involve.Please reply costs in south africa rand value.

Sent you a message Ursula so hope that helps - Elaine

Hi Elaine,

I am looking to learn specifically about leather flower crowns and lace millinery. 

I dont have very much sewing experience, is it okay to simply purchase the Leather Flower Crown and Lace Millinery courses? Or do I need to do lessons as well?

Also in each course does it list all the products I will need?


Hi Ashlee, You will need some hand sewing skills but both tutors Rebecca & Brett detail these steps for you. Neither of these Courses involve blocking so you can do successfully with out doing Beginner Course.  Below each Course are details on Millinery Kit required (from supplier House of Adorn https://www.houseofadorn.com/millinery/learn-discover-millinery/onl...)  This info is also listed in description once you purchase lesson. You can ask tutors any questions by clicking on Discussions on banner under your lesson once you start. You have access to lesson for as long as you need to view as no time limit - streamed to your computer or smart phone. Hope this helps- Elaine 

Hi Elaine,

I am new to the Hat Academy. I would just like to know if it is possible to access the lessons (once paid for) from different devices (like on my computer and my iPad)?

You can watch lessons on your iPad, laptop or smart phone as often as you like as no time limit as a HatAcademy member. This allows you to recap as often as you need to. I am a trained teacher & know how important recapping is. You receive the lessons instantly when buying one lesson at a time or within 24hrs when buying a Course @ discount rate, as we upload manually. 
We use a streaming system as this is latest technology and allows us to keep pricing low.. (youtube is also a similar form of streaming.


Je Voudrais savoir si les leçon are possible en français

merci cathy

Unfortunately at this time courses are available in English language only.

Next generation of milliners means not only to have sewing and creative skills also to know history and traditional techniques to recreate them for contemporary life.


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