Hi Lovely People!

I have a question in regards to clothing for photo shoots. 

I am hoping to do my first photo shoot soon for my hats, and am planning on using my own extensive wardrobe to style the models. However my question is do I need to give brand credit, or ask permission use the clothing in the images from the designer? Also any info on the protocol for this would be appreciated.

Thanks Amanda. x

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No you do have to ask permission!  When you collaborate with a clothing designer and use images to promote your stuff by mags or internet etc. You have to name the clothing designer or the brand the model wears and also point out that the hat is yours!  That is what they call credits.......I teach IP in the uk and that is just basic law!

Thanks Edith! 

I don't tend to use clothes as a major part of the photo, I try to concentrate on the headpieces which then I get the girls to wear a simple black singlet or strapless top.... use costume jewelry to highlight colours!!!  However am looking at full outfits next year so will been keen to see what everyone comes up with for this conversation!  Thanks also Edith f..... will keep this in mind for the future!!!!

 Yes I will do mostly headshots for the individual hats but I want to do a styled shoot as well for marketing etc. Sort of in a "lookbook" style. I guess the key is if its published give credit. 


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