Hello, everyone! I was just checking out this this product on House of Adorn's website, and I have a few questions. Has anyone worked with this before? Does it block well? Is it better for flat pattern hats? Is it sized? Any information would be appreciated!

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Dear Britt, 

Thank you for visiting our website and exploring the range of products we have on offer including the Tinalak Straw Fabric. This fabric is much denser and has a much tighter weave than other straw fabrics such as Sinamay, hence it is thicker and does not have as much give. So although it can be steamed and stiffened like other traditional straw materials and used in blocking simple shapes, it would be difficult to use when blocking shapes with sharp or deep edges. It is very popular for flat pattern hats such as pillboxes made with a tip and side band, and also for trims and sculptural designs. It does not have any sizing/stiffener but you will find it may not require any depending on the size of your creations. 

We hope that has helped and please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions. 

Happy Hatting!

Best wishes, 

House of Adorn

Thank you so much! It really is beautiful. I can't wait to give it a go!

More on Tinalak here...

Thank you, Elaine. I am excited to learn all about it!


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