User Manuals for the various Millinery Machine

I have a straw, wiring, binding and ? millinery sewing machines but, I don't have a clue of how to thread them or use them.   Does anyone out there know of any classes or instruction manuals that I can get so that I can begin to use these machines?  Thank you in advance for a response.

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Hi Queen E, Check in Pinboard for photos of some braid machines which Rose uses. She has really mastered these. I never used them in the 60's as we were trained to do it all by hand. Rose may be able to give you some leads if your machine looks like hers.

Hi Elaine, Thanks for the lead.  I learned as much as I know about hatmaking during the early 60's when we wired the hats by hand and sewed the straw braid by hand.  I had two exemplary teachers:  Mr. Roger Hocket taught Millinery at Berkeley Adult School and Mrs. Spenza who taught millinery at Laney and Alameda colleges in Northern California.  I purchased these machines from a company who was going out of business and had hundreds of machines used in the Millinery industry for sale but, I failed to inquire about the user manuals.

I know what you mean about everything handstitched - no such thing as glue & hot glue guns in the 1960's. I still hand stitch all my trims onto Hats as I am often asked to retrim to wear with different outfit. I treat it as a service to my Clients but will not retrim hats from a Dept Store as such a glue nightmare. If Rose can help she will. - Elaine

A site that demonstrates how to use a Straw Braid Machine.


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