Getting the fluff back into feathers.

How do you get the fluff back into ostrich feathers?  I did a show over the weekend where half they day it was socked in with drizzle and heavy fog. Amazingly there were still people out and buying stuff.  By the end of the day everything was damp or worse.  My hats with ostrich feathers, have lost the fluff in the feathers, they look rather sad now, they were practically dripping by shows end.  Is there a way to get the fluff back into them, I'd hate to have to replace them.


Tags: feathers

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Hi Suzanne, We treat feathers as we do our own hair. Suggest you spray with a Volumiser you use in hair and blow dry fluffing it up with finger tips not a brush. If they are on the hat cover hat with plastic wrap before you spray and dry. E xx


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