Greeting Members and Staff. My name is Shelley Ann Ponce. The image I posted is my final project in my Photography class during my studies towards my associates degree in 2008.
I love all of the wonderful options and opportunities offered by the Hat Academy and look forward in interacting with both members and the wonderful staff.
Currently, I just started my Millinery inspired small hat business. I am in the last stages of designing my web site and will post the URL as soon as it is complete.
I consider myself a self taught Milliner with a strong will and passion to continue advancing my skills and experience. I am experienced with commissioned projects and love designing one of a kind hats, bridal parties, and special occasion pieces. Professionally, I am a Fashion Designer/Graphic Artist. By choice I am following my long loved passion and dream, hat designing.
Long term goals and plans are becoming a successful Milliner to the stars. Who doesn't aim high?
My short term goals and aspirations are many. One day I will design a hat for a major motion picture or for a run in the theater.
After a 27 year career in the beauty industry, as a color specialist, and going back to school in my later years, I have finally found my Niche. Through it all I learned all dreams can become reality if you really want them to. Working hard daily is key for a good start.
Thank you for reading my intro & "Headlines". I look forward in communicating with you soon.
Shelley Ann Ponce
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